5 Easy Keto Christmas Treats!
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Keto Christmas Treats!
Ah, The holidays a time for bah humbug and pining away for summer and golf season, when the days were longer and warmer. And you didn’t have to worry about a magical fat guy breaking into your house.
I wonder if Santa Clause could benefit from the Keto diet? But I digress.
I’m just kidding anyway. I love the holidays, all the nostalgia, tradition, and family and friends. When it’s cold outside, it’s great to be warm inside.
It’s time to celebrate, and that means parties, and that means food and drink, and for Keto that means you need to be careful.
Let’s face it, Christmas foods are traditionally high carb treats with lots of empty calories. If you want to lose weight or even maintain the weight loss you have already achieved, you’re going to need a Keto Christmas recipe or two.
The Holidays aren’t just about Keto Christmas Treats
If you’d like to get a great gift for the person making these wonderful Keto – even if you’re the one you can get yourself a nice gift – A Kitchen Aid Mixer is just the the thing.
Here is the one that I got for Christmas a few years ago.
You’ll Want to Plan Your Keto Christmas Menu
The turkeys, hams and the prime rib are pretty obviously Keto, and all of us carnivores are all thankful for that.
The green salads are Keto. I know that you can figure out which salads are not Keto. That marshmallow thing is not a salad or Keto.
In the end I think it is much more important to enjoy the party than beat yourself up about too many carbs. Remember what a carb looks like and don’t eat too many of them.
If grandma says she made your favorite cookies, you would be insane not to have one.
Merry Christmas, and here is a gift from us at CastleintheMountains.com some holiday recipes that are traditional, Keto and most importantly they are delicious.
Let’s Talk Holiday Drinks on Keto
Alcohol consumption is a choice, and if you’re not a drinker that’s fine I have also included a hot chocolate recipe below.
If you chose to drink alcoholic beverages, you can do that on Keto.
A 5 ounce glass of wine has about 3 carbs for a dry red, and dry champagne has 1.5. It’s the dry wines that are lowest in carbs. Red wine, white wine, champagne, it doesn’t matter the dry ones are going to be the lowest carbs.
Whisky, vodka, gin, tequila, rum, as long as you’re talking about the real 80 proof stuff, they have no carbs at all. Brandy has a tiny bit of carbs, but it is still a very Keto alcohol.
There are Keto versions of classic cocktails, daiquiris, cosmos, Moscow mule and margaritas. You can get those here.
So celebrate. Have a Merry Christmas, and if you want more information about drinking on Keto see the alcohol and Ketosis.
I am working on a Bloody Mary mix, but there are more carbs in tomato juice than you would think and Worcestershire has got a ton of carbs.
A traditional Bloody Mary ends up having like 22 net carbs. If you’re going to have one, enjoy it and walk it off Rockstar!
Traditional Seasonal Drinks
Hot Buttered Rum is awesome.
I discovered this at a Christmas party years ago. I remember hearing about it before that, and thinking that it sounded a little gross to put butter in your rum, this was also the first time I had a hot alcoholic drink.
What a surprise!
It had sort of salty, smooth buttery sweet start and I LOVED it.
It will give that warm glow. There’s nothing like coming in from a blizzard, stepping through the cabin door and having a hot drink that warms you all the way down. If that is the feeling you want then you should have a Hot Buttered Rum even if you don’t live in the mountains.
Just take a look at that gorgeous photo…I know, I know, it sounds like bragging but I think it’s the best one I have ever taken for this blog.
Click the link to go to the recipes….
Keto Hot Buttered Rum
Mulled Wine
Remember in It’s a Wonderful Life, Clarence the odd little angel who was trying to earn his wings goes into the bar in the bad world. The world with George Baily removed. He orders Mulled Wine. He gets sprayed with soda water and thrown out because they only have whisky.
But, this is why I first tried Mulled Wine.
I thought man… that sounds old fashioned and warm, and kind of tasty. So I ran out and got some wine and looked up a recipe. I don’t want to show my age too much, but this was before Pinterest.
I was not disappointed. It tastes like tradition. It’s all good, from the first moment the aromas of cinnamon and anise hit your nose to the dance it does across your tongue. It has a kind of warmth settles in your belly and warms you right up. It says merry Christmas to your whole body.
Keto Mulled Wine
Keto Hot Chocolate
Here’s something for the kid in all of us and it doesn’t take much imagination to turn this into an “adult beverage” either.
I wish everyone could have the Merry Christmas memories that I have about hot chocolate.
My brothers and sisters and even some neighbor kids would come in from sledding and my Mom would have a giant pot of cocoa hot and ready.
While we took off coats, snow pants and boots, she ladled it into mugs. We laughed, as we sipped the steaming mugs of cocoa. It wasn’t always Christmas, we usually had sledding snow by Halloween.
But the most memorable of all hot chocolate was always Christmas Eve when everything was all set – the tree was up, the lights were on. We would have cocoa and a giant bowl of nuts in the shells. We all took turns with one nut cracker. I have eight siblings so try to imagine this scene…one nutcracker for eleven people.
I’m having a Merry Christmas just thinking about it. I can’t promise you all of those warm-fuzziness, but I can tell you that below is a really good recipe for hot chocolate.
Keto Hot Chocolate

Full Disclosure: I didn’t take this lovely photo. But I did make the hot chocolate…my dog knocked it over before I took the picture.
Does he look like he feels bad about it to you? I think he does… a little.

Keto Friendly Cookies
What would Christmas be without cookies ? They are a tradition in my family and I am guessing that many of you are the same.
In my house we all got to choose a cookie that we were going to make.
I am from a big competitive family, so the cookie making could get out of hand – you know in a good Christmassy kind of way. We made Russian Tea cakes and marzipan. But it’s funny, when it came right down to it, the chocolate cookies , sugar cookies & shortbread that were always the biggest hit.
Chocolate Ricotta Cookies
These Chocolate Ricotta Cookies are one of Brandy’s finest creations. Keto or not they are among the best cookies I have ever had. Don’t worry, they are completely Keto. If these don’t make for a Merry Christmas maybe you’re the Grinch.
Keto Chocolate Ricotta Cookies
Look at this adorable note from a few Christmases ago…I just had to add it to this photo because the days of writing notes to Santa are long gone.

“Dear Santa, You are a joy. Christmas is my favorite holiday. P.S. Celery is for reindeer. From: Ada”
Keto Sugar Cookies
If you make these into little balls and just flatten them on the cookie sheet they make delicious cookie rounds.
But if you’ve really got that Christmas spirit and you want to go that extra mile, you can roll them out and cut them into stars or reindeer or whatever cookie cutter you have.
But if you’re like me and the deliciousness of the cookie it the most important, this is definitely the recipe for your Merry Christmas.
Keto Sugar Cookies

Keto Almond Butter Cookies:
These are good any time of year but are PERFECT for leaving out for Santa.

Please leave a comment below: What’s your favorite holiday cookie?
So there you have the Keto guide to a delicious Keto Merry Christmas. It should help with the carb count, but remember what is most important this time of year – fat burning… Again I am just kidding.
Be Keto friendly, be friendly and be kind, and have a very Merry Christmas.
Until next time.
I made every single one of these recipes this month and I wanted to say thank you for sharing them. We appreciate you and hope you continue for years to come!!!!